Test webhook functionality inside the campaign

The following article describes how to test the webhook functionality and the request parameters via pipedream.com.


  1. Create a new scheduled/triggered campaign via the campaign's page with a single webhook action with 0 days delay in the Sub-Delivery Screenshot_2021-03-24_at_16.33.27.png
  2. Set the webhook.site URL in the webhook action in the campaign Screenshot_2021-03-24_at_16.28.26.png
  3. Set the required request parameters(in our use case we will send the userId and the user's email attribute) Screenshot_2021-03-24_at_16.43.28.png
  4. Trigger the campaign or wait until it is sent (for scheduled campaigns) and use pipedream.com to check if the correct params are sent. 


Helpful resources:

Campaign's basics

Webhook's basics


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