How to get a list of the users for the control group in a finished campaign?


How to get a list of the users for the control group in a finished campaign?


The following article describes how to get the users from the holdback group for a campaign.

  1. Open the audience page and create a new audience. Screenshot_2021-07-06_at_0.04.19.png
  2. Check for the Total occurrences of the campaign's Held back event to be 1. Screenshot_2021-07-06_at_0.05.56.png
  3. Click on Explore Users to check the users.


The users who do not receive the campaign (because of the holdback) will trigger a Held back event at the time the message/action in the campaign would have been sent.

If there are multiple actions on the initial level, you need to check for the occurrence of the  Held back event for each of those actions.


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